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August 08, 2012


Private T  5th NY Regiment

Excellent pictures and movie. 5th NY and 5th CT holding the line against those nasty Hessians! Excellent fighting with your fellows! Can't wait for next battle!

Pve. C. Belcher, 1st NJ regt Continental

If it were not for that song of mine, dear Batman, You would likely have been flogged to ribbons instead of enjoying the fame, nay immortality, that has accrued to the principals in Skorka's Raid. You do make mighty delicious bangers, though, so I forgive you for being partisan to your own doggerel. Have you learned the words to your song, yet?

Pvte Paulie McCamanagh, Batman to Capt Van Vliet 35th Regt Foote

Your Wyoming song is not that good. Mine is better. One day I'll remember to print ot the words.

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