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December 23, 2010


Melissa Cullina

I know I'm only one of the many, many people Les inspired and mentored; through his influence on so many of us, he carries on. His loss is so great, I don't have the words to express how much he will be missed. I'll continue to talk with him as I go about my botany and herbarium work, try to live up to his example, remembering to take our work seriously (but never never to take ourselves too seriously). Thank you "Uncle Les" for all you've taugt us, the jokes you've played on us, for being the ultimate Old School botanist, for being a great friend.

Rod Parlee

When I first met Les in 1993 at the CT DEP he answered all my questions about rare plants in the Bolton Notch watershed in such a whimisical manner while he kicked back in his air chair. He was so informative, inspiring and even challenged me to work harder, I continued as a member of the Bolton Conservation Commission with more renewed and focused energy.

In October, as I tabled for the AMC NW Camp Committee at EMS Club day at Buckland, in walks this gentleman with a Yale Forestry hat who I couldn't wait to show the display of NW Camp cabin built out of Chestnut in an old growth hemlock forest. As we discussed protecting rare habitats the discussion ended up being about Bolton Notch. I then exaplained that I once met this amazing person at the CT DEP named Les Mehrhoff who was extremely knowledgeable and asked if he knew him? To my amazement and part embarassment, he exclaimed "I am Les Mehrhoff!" Wow!! We hugged each other and caught up.

My sincere comdolences to his Family. He will be sorely missed.

Nikki B

As an employee of the Uconn Co-op, I can say without a doubt that Les will be sorely missed. He always had a smile for everyone, regardless of how he was feeling. He stopped to talk to all of us, and we all will grieve at this tragic loss.

Tim Abbott

I was thinking today about what a great sense of humor he had, and recalled a classic moment when Les sent out a weed alert for Acacia pelagica, which he assured us was washing up on the shores of coastal Massachusetts. An oceangoing species of a family of arid dwelling trees might have been a tip off to those readers who were up on their Latin nomenclature. Then there was the date: the 1st of April. He managed to fool a good number of folks regardless.

Leila Shultz

Les was a powerful force during the years I attended New England Botanical Club meetings in the 1990's. His enthusiasm was infectious and the amount of knowledge he could impart during short field outings was an inspiration to us all. My sympathies to fellow botanists.


This is truly beautiful, Dad would be honored to read something so true to his personality. Thank you

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