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October 20, 2010


Talya Leodari

I don't really think the issue is the myth of the permanent employee. It's one thing to see yourself having moved on / moved up in five years. It's another thing entirely to inform a potential employer that you have no longstanding interest in the field itself. If you know now that in five years you want to be doing nothing related to the post you are applying for that casts fairly strong doubt on how committed you are in the present. It may be an honest answer to an interview question, but then you have to be prepared for the potential employer's honest response - which is to question why you have even applied in the first place.


Yeah, the mythical permanent employee. We all seek the few to be found. Lie, lie, lie your way to wealth and happiness (or at least employment).

Tim Abbott

Awful, ain't it. But Jim, I have been in interviews, and I am sure you have as well, where the dreaded question has been asked "what do you see yourself doing in five years?" Candidates who do not wax enthusiastic about the very job they are applying for, or growing with the company, do not advance in the interview process. One candidate in particular this summer who was applying for a GIS position answered by saying she did not see herself doing GIS. Honest. But blew the interview.


"...if a candidate gave this answer to me at a job interview, I would thank him for his time and look elsewhere."

Meaning, I suppose, that there is no end for America's search for the ultimate productivity figure: a worker who never eats, sleeps, shits or tires. A single person - preferably a man - with no responsibilities other than crushing, endless debt, thus ensuring his complete capture by the job at hand.

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