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June 01, 2010


Tim Abbott

Staṡa, my fault is half amended. But the right half, I trust! :-)


Hurrah! Many thanks to you and your fellows for your bravery and for making that part of Reunion Step Sing complete. B/c it just isn't without "Harry's Reply." :)

And, y'all did a fabulous job.

I was glad that, although you were willing, you did not need to stand up there by yourself.

"I confess I was relieved that the statute of limitations on my various youthful indiscretions in Athena's demesne appears to have expired with all long since forgiven or forgotten."

Nope. Sorry.

However -- not held against you during Step Sing. :)

Anassa kata
Kalo, kale
Ia, ia, ia, Nike!
Bryn Mawr, Bryn Mawr, Bryn Mawr!
Haverford Harries!

- Staṡa, BMC '90


So you can't post the lyrics in full of the response? Tsk tsk.


Nice one, Tim. Good post. You got soul, man.

Dave Scocca

Great job, Tim! I may have the HC songs on my hard drive somewhere from my brief spell as HC Songsmistress (as we called it).

My understanding of the cross-campus living is that we in 1990 were around the midpoint of the decline. When HC went fully co-ed in '80 there were 80-100 dorm exchange students, by 1990 there were 40-50, and by 2000 it was effectively zero.

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