The heat was thick in the air yesterday as I worked on my gardens, spading up great clods of earth to lay down a brick path to the back gate and pulling out a carpet of weeds in advance of tilling the soil. Today the rain is pelting down in sheets with a following wind. Without standing water it was a mercifully mosquito-free experience to be outside working the earth, and hopefully this rain will soak well in.
I am dreaming of heirloom tomatoes and how to baffle blights, wilts and cankers before I get the harvest in. I imagine basil by the bushel and pole beans and peppers. I'm thinking about where to get a load of composted manure that won't be filled with garlic mustard seeds, and how to reclaim the wildflower beds from the encroaching suckers of choke cherry. I would gladly stay home for a week on my hands and knees with nothing but garden projects before me, but will settle for an hour here and an afternoon there between now and planting time, a few short weeks away.