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February 26, 2010


Dave Mathews

It must have been an awesome event! I think a collaboration concert of RT and Sting would be one of the great musical events if ever. And I would be happy to setting my found under their roof!

New York City Walking Tours

i envy you and other thousands of people for seeing RT live. I hope i will get to see them live !


Just heard "Here Comes Geordie" on Radio 2. That'll be about Sting, then! Seemed really harsh (and hilarious). I wonder what the history is between them? Anyway, it's a top tune.


I saw RT on the 19th in Eugene in a small venue called the Shedd, which has great acoustics. The reviewer did a good job. I have seen RT several times and I thought this was the best concert I have seen. We met friends at the concert who had never listened to RT. When I asked them if they enjoyed the music, they said they liked every song. They were going to buy some RT CDs.


There is a very active RT discussion list. Find it here: http://www.rtlist.net/

And yes, you will get set lists.


Nice post.

I had the feeling the new "Here Comes Geordie" song was a dig at Sting, since I believe he's from Newcastle. I could have done with another stomper or two in the second set, I suppose, but this show was great. There doesn't seem to be an active RT discussion list, however. I'd really like to know the setlists of the other shows for the tour.

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