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January 19, 2010


Loes Buisman

Joseph De Jongh was actually born in Amsterdam, 22 June 1776. The family lived in Oostende from 1881-?

Graham Williman

Re Jeni Bell's comment. I am a Williman living in South Africa. Most o my family live in Cambridge & Kent UK. We are decended from Herbert Williman of Stanhoe Norfolk then Watford via Canada. Are we related?

Matteo Giunti

Very well done research and very interesting to read. I have found a little more than clues about Joseph De Jongh parentage. We can discuss this by email if you wish.
Congratulations again.

Jeni Bell nee Williman

I am a Williman living in NZ and would love to make contact with you. We originally came from the Black Forest of Germany (maybe before that in Switzerland).

Our first known family was a John Williman and his son Robert who came to Norfolk, England in 1722? to be a huntsman and gamekeeper for King George 1. They were keen protestants and escaping religious persecution, and came to England via an estate in Bremen, Germany perhaps owned by Protestant George I. We have a complete line traced from then, many Primitive Methodists in Norfolk and London.

I came to NZ as a child in 1953.

Wilhelmina Williman-Street

I am an African American Williman granddaughter to Shadrach F. Williman-- an African American medical doctor born in the late 1800's. I am looking for his people. I understand they came from South Carolina, but he was born in New London Conn. Looking for information.

Sure will be glad when I can find more information.


Congratulations! I heard about this site several months ago....I live on the property. I am also a researcher and have studied many of the Famous Families that settled this land. I finally ventured out and checked out the site, and found the name Willimann. I am thrilled you have been contacted , I think the most amazing thing is Willmann is my daughters Married name. Her family is from Indiana but they said they do have relatives up your way! How aweome is this to find family you did not even know you lost! I will give her your information and this site. Please keep me posted I am in awe!And I live here!


Que suerte! Yo se muy poco..




What an awesome find! You are very fortunate indeed. Will you travel to South Carolina to visit the grave site? What a great history lesson for your children (one of many you've shared with them I'm sure ;-)!

Karen Knapp

Congratulations on this surprise information!

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