I am utterly astonished and delighted to learn today that I have been awarded a 2008 Cliopatria Award for Best Series of Posts. It is a rare honor to be in the company of some of the finest history writers in the blogosphere.
Best Series of Posts: Tim Abbott on Trumbull's The Death of General Montgomery, Jan. 12, Jan. 13 , Jan. 14 , Jan. 17 , Jan. 18 .
The examination of Jonathan Trumbull's famous painting The Death of General Montgomery in Attack on Quebec, December 31 1775 over five posts at Tim Abbott's Walking the Berkshires is good scholarly writing and engaging analysis. Abbott raises intriguing questions about historical memory, as he guides his readers through the examination of historical records.
Tim Abbott is a conservation professional.
History News Network's Cliopatria Awards are the premiere recognition of excellence in history blogging, and no one does more to promote high quality history writing by amateur and professional historians who blog than HNN and its Cliopatrians.
At the American History Association's annual meeting in New York, a panel of distinguished history bloggers announced their selections for the best blogs and blog posts in several categories. There are some truly exceptional history blogs represented in the awards this year, including:
Best Group Blog: The Edge of the American West
Best Individual Blog: Northwest History
Best New Blog: Wynken de Worde
Best Post: Tenured Radical: "What Would Natalie Zemon Davis Do?"
Best Writer: Zunguzungu
Congratulations to all the awardees and to those who make the History blogosphere such a lively and engaging place!
Congratulations! Well deserved. :-)
Posted by: Sissy Willis | January 04, 2009 at 01:54 PM
Well done, Tim!
Posted by: Marty Langeland | January 02, 2009 at 07:31 PM
TIM, Your Turnbull articles are most deserving of the Cliopatria Award. Congratulations!
Terry Thornton
Fulton, Mississippi
Posted by: Terry Thornton | January 02, 2009 at 06:11 AM
Congratulations, Tim!
Posted by: Executed Today | January 01, 2009 at 10:45 PM
Happy New Year Greetings Tim! Congratulations on receiving such a distinguished award. It is well deserved.
Posted by: LOOKING4ANCESTORS | January 01, 2009 at 03:25 PM