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October 31, 2008


Jack Napiare

Yeah, Colt's wife did keep adding on untill she died. Then people got scared cuase they would hear construction and foot steps even thought they were alone. That what I thought when I saw it- Nice call Larry,

Tim Abbott

Bingo! This was the main building in Bennett Jr. college, which folded in the mid 1970s. I'd give it another decade before it starts to look like the bare walls and chimneys of Crown Point...

Terry Cowgill

Bennett College in Millbrook, N.Y. It closed about 30 years ago and no one knows what to do with it.

Tim Abbott

A good guess, Larry, but no. It is within a one hour radius of my home in NW CT tho...


Is that the house that was owned by the widow of wealthy manufacturer like Colt? I remember a story about a widow that kept on adding on to a house to confuse spirits that might be present there because the Colt guns killed so many people.


Man, what a shame. Just look at that old "cottage." I don't even want to think of all the interior work that's just rotting away.

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