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July 07, 2008



This house looks so nice and very fascinating. Thank you for posting and keep up the good work.


I love love love that song "Barrett's Privateers!" And it adapts very easily to a punk-ska rendition, making it even more forceful and exhilarating.

Your mother is an excellent quilter--a folk art that continues to elevate itself beyond mere geometry and very close to the sublime.

You clearly have a lovely family. I hope (I'm confident) that you realize how rare and precious that is. Not everyone can boast that. I, for one, am as close to my cousins as I want to be--which is to say, "Not at all."

Naturally, in this day of moral politics, I dispute your point about people and their beliefs. But there are individual exceptions.

Tim Abbott

I should, perhaps, see about getting a job as his stunt double. Or just play the part. Anyone can impersonate Elvis, but Jack Black takes a talented professional...

It meant so much to so many that you and your family made the effort to come.


What a wonderful gathering, and I must say you look great in that shirt! I'm also going to go out on a limb and say that is Aunt Lib's first appearance on the internets, unless you have her elsewhere in your archives.

Your readers, by the way, should know that my children are arguing the question, "who looks more like Jack Black: Tim Abbott, or Jack Black?" I trust you've heard that before.

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