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July 01, 2008


Tim Abbott

David, for a Montgomery/Arnold Assault, I would have to do as my ancestor Matthias Ogden did, and go as a volunteer officer with Arnold. For an F&I assault with Wolfe, perhaps with the Jersey Blues in which another ancestor, Elias Dayton, was then Captain, though I believe this battle was mostly fought by regular British army battalions and not provincials.

Many thanks for all the kind words.

David Corbett

Dear Berks. ,
Thanks for superb photos and article . You make me want to join you in the Montgomery/Arnold Assault on Quebeck ! What unit would you portray ?
Christmas is only six months away and perhaps there will be a flintlock in your stocking this year .
cordially ,
David Corbett

Miss Chestnuts

Ah, "keep their powder dry." Now I get where that expression comes from!

Sounds like a neat way to spend the weekend and what an amazing educational experience for Emily and Elias. I think you should make the investment RIGHT AWAY, in proper garb. Do it for the kids!

Can you answer a question about cannon? At Ft. T, more than one cannon is always referred to as cannon. But in other places, more than one cannon is usually (incorrectly?) referred to as cannons. What is the proper plural of cannon?


It sounds like a lot of fun.

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