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May 01, 2008


Tim Abbott

I sang the first tenor part of that classic Morley Madrigal! And a very happy birthday!

Tour Marm

Here's my favorite May song:

Now is the month of Maying,
When merry lads are playing,
Fa la la la la.

Each with his bonny lass,
upon the greeny grass,
Fa la la la la.

The Spring clad all in gladness,
Doth laugh at Winter´s sadness,
Fa la la la la.

And to the bagpipes sound,
The nymphs tread out their ground,
Fa la la la la.

Fie then! why sit we musing,
Youth´s sweet delight refusing?
Fa la la la la.

Say dainty nymphs and speak,
shall we play Barley break?
Fa la la la la.

Note: There are usually more Fa la la la la's.

I love May and the 6th is my birthday!

Talya Leodari


Just in case you want to hear the May Day song again... (make sure your computer's volume is on)

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