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March 16, 2008


Ken Osen

Hi there!
I read your blog with interest... and thanks for the kind comments on the ACW work I have been doing for the past 18 years. I also like to think the work is getting better as we move forward and we are all working to improve from year to year. I personally have a list a mile long of things I want for my own collection and I sometimes wonder if I will ever get to all of it.
I agree with you on the need for more Western troops and I tried to put a few into the 'Jackson in the Valley' series a few years ago.
The current manager of W. Britain under 1st Gear, Richard Walker and I both have done ACW living history and shooting for years. I suppose this is one of the reasons he lets me have so much latitude in designing the figures we have been creating since 1st Gear took over.
We both enjoy the period and whenever we are on the road and have a chance, we stop and visit ACW sites for inspiration.
We have just wrapped up the Fall 09 catalog and although there still are not any Western flags in the collection... there is at least one important item that you wished for. One of your 'wheeled wishes' is coming and I think you will like it.
Ken Osen/Hudson & Allen Studio

Gary Livingston

Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know you are not alone, there is another Livingston descendant who collects civil war toy soldiers. I bump into your blog from time to time searching the internet and thought I would drop you a line.

maybe a cousin,

Tim Abbott

David, Wheat's Battalion should have been on my wish list. There has been only one very poor set created in this format back in 1999 and I'm waiting for a better. I have high hopes for Collectors Showcase taking on more zouave units if their 14th brooklyn proves as successful for them as it merits.

There are a couple of manufacturers who I have not patronized, either because of scale or design compatibility issues. Frontline Figures http://www.frontline-figures.com/ make beautiful toy soldiers that include Lousiana zouaves and various unusual flagbearers, but the sculpting and paint is more reminiscent of the traditional rosy cheeked toy soldier style and doesn't work as well with the figures I have collected. I also cannot afford (or justify) the Russian manufacturers at close to $100 a figure.

David Corbett

Dear Berks.,
Thanks for indulging me ! Your collection is worthy of toy soldier collectors Stevenson and Wells .
Cordially ,
David Corbett
What , no Tiger Rifles ?

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