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March 22, 2008



Being (I guess) roughly the same age as you, give or take a year, I do remember those Fotomat kiosks, and even once thought how incredibly boring it would be to work at one of them.

Dirty Davey

Wow, Tim. I remember that bit of decoration. The following year the same booth was converted into a TARDIS for our graduation; I have pictures of the latter, but hadn't taken any of the Fotomat at the time.


Tim Abbott

I forgot that there are those who read these lines who might recognise one of my confederates. Yes Theodore, she is one and the same. I cannot recall the names of our other two conspirators. I think I was in a sociology class with them.


holy shit is that clair colburn next to you?

Bill West


I too am dating myself because I used to be a regular customer of Fotomat.
Worse still, my Dad once owned an car he bought used. It was a station wagon
that I think had been used by Fotomat for pickups and deliveries of film to
the kiosks and it was that same Fotomat yellow color. You could see it
coming from a mile away!


Cute story. Sounds like something my son would do.


I certainly remember Fotomat - and Haverford too! I went to college just down the pike from you, at Swarthmore (class of '84, so was far away by the time you renovated/improved the booth).

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