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January 07, 2008


Jack R.

Love the old sub pic.

Tim Abbott

Given Flashy's penchant for philandering and the numerous known and suspected bastards he sired of various racial backgrounds, it is well within the realm of possibility that one of his own ancestors did the same thing in China. Han Xin could therefore be collateral kin!

Lafayette C. Curtis

Too bad Flashamn is such a decidely European character--it would have been fun if we could find out a Chinese ancestor for him, especially since there's a lot of room for toying around with the Chinese characters related to "flash" or "thunder" and "man." I wonder if he could have had some sort of distant family relationship with the ancient Chinese general Han Xin. The incident where Han Xin agreed to crawl under a bully's legs rather than fight for his honor certainly evokes Flashman-esque imageries.

Tim Abbott

"Good Old Harold's" tale is shrounded in myth and whimsy. Given enough years, though, I feel confident that Fraser could have invented someone very much like him in Flashman's family tree. It might be fun to see what other putative Flashman progenitors we can collectively imagine to go with the shirking Saxon Lígetræsc, the distressed Knight Harold Fusée de Détresse, and Boston Massacre witness Jack Paget Flashman, referenced above. I feel quite certain that the Wars of the Roses could play host to a character of Flashman's capriciousness, and imagine that a Flashman in the Parliamentary period would have been expected to charge with the Chavaliers but would inevitably wriggle out of that frying pan only to fall into the fire with the Roundheads. Any takers?

Lafayette C. Curtis

Boy. I didn't think my post would make it here...but well, I give up to the wisdom of people who think more highly of my journal than I do. And I didn't mention good old Harold because I wasn't aware of him--just shows that the more I learn about military history, the more I know that I _don't_ know the slightest thing about it.


My apologies to Paul. I have made the correction. He was nominated by Brett, hence the confusion on my end.

Gavin Robinson

Thanks Tim, that's a great job. Just one thing: Paul Brewer writes the War Reading Room. Brett Holman writes Airminded.

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