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January 21, 2008


ian mitchell

hey, thanks for mentioning my shrunken heads! rockin. lovely work by the way


I found this page very much after the fact, and was both stunned and delighted to be included in this post. I only hope to someday achieve the quality of content and presentation that you have mastered here. Thanks very much Tim.



Great blog. The collection is very interesting and the brief explanation about them made a good read. Thanks for sharing the wonderful pics.

Mrs. Mecomber

What excellent posts! This has got to be one of the best carnivals I've attended. Thanks so much for including my own post, it's an honor.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some curiosities to read about!

Tim Abbott

I'm really pleased to have been able to feature such well-written, intriguing posts. Thanks for the kind words. Tim


Hi Tim,
What a delightful time I just spent reading this page, and how cool to find my blog and Grandmother's curio cabinet included in the collection. Thanks for the mention. Also enjoyed reading your bio. I spent six years at a sleep away camp (that has long since closed) in the Berkshires – Cheshire to be precise, and loved the area. Brought my kids back a few times in the many years since.
Regards, Laurie

HOBAC (house of beauty and culture)

Thank you, so very kind of you to say.

Terry Thornton

Thanks, Tim, for another great cabinet of the most interesting things to read about! And thanks for including a link to my article and for your kind words. Now I've got to get back to reading all these interesting items --- and watch some fun video too!

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