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November 02, 2007


Terry Cowgill


Power is also on the Sharon Housing Trust and so is working hard to address two critical issues facing his town. He is to be commended for that.

Good points you make. I suppose what this episode points out (more than anything else) is the inherent difficulty of explaining a governing philosophy or policy position in a small amount of space or time.

Yesterday, Power was on Marshall Mike. Click here and scroll down to find the podcast:


To his credit, during that 15 minute interview I thought he came across as considerably more thoughtful and rational than his ad indicated (although I might still quarrel with a couple of his points).

Why, for example, would he dismiss out-of-hand questions from his opponent about whether it would be a conflict of interest to be on PZ and the housing trust at the same time? Clearly, if the housing trust was presenting a development proposal before PZ, he should recuse himself. Serving on the commission in-and-of-itself, however, is not a conflict. That's what he should have said, but it's hard to see such a distinction when you're bristling at someone you don't like very much.

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