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November 27, 2007


Dan Trabue

Great list! I may reference this on my blog.

Tour Marm

#30 and Sarajevo #3

When I was growing up in New York City a radio station, immediately before a hurricane was to hit the area, cautioned everyone to stock up on toilet paper! Naturally there was a run on toilet paper - more so than bread or milk. It was meant as a joke by the jocks, but ever since then, when faced with something similar to a hurricane, snowstorm, or even immediately after 9/11, people bought and hoarded toilet paper!

After being a child during the Duck and Cover/Civil Defense Era and having gone through several major blackouts (living in a highrise), hurricanes (Agnes, Andrew and Hugo), and 9/11, I have stocked up on water, large and small plastic garbage bags (in lieu of port-a-potty), candles, oil lamps, matches, hand sanitizer, first aid kit, hibachi, charcoal, canned food in flip-up tins, dried food, powdered milk, and toilet paper. In addition, I have a radio and lots of batteries.

Last weekend my highrise building suffered a loss of power for a few hours. I was in the position to offer several neighbors light for their apartments.

I was a heroine.

Oh yes, I do have duct tape, but I don't know why.

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