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November 19, 2007


Tour Marm

Flanders and Swann! I ran to my cabinet and pulled out my set to refresh! (They're between Beatrice Lillie and Beyond the Fringe!) Thanks for the reminder!


Craig, I am so grateful for the information you were able to provide about the soldier's gravestone in my Uncle's truck. I am sure they will find it helpful as they try to reunite it with the remains.

Craig Manson

A great edition, Tim! About the stone your aunt inquired about: it is not that of a black soldier. The 152d Depot Brigade was stationed initially at Camp Upton, Long Island, New York, as part of the 77th Infantry Division. The brigade was largely made up of draftees from the East and Northeast. Like all Army units in WWI, it was segregated and there were no black soldiers in it. One interesting incident occurred while the unit was at Camp Upton: five soldiers of "Austrian" descent were arrested for allegedly stating sympathy for the enemy. Another tidbit: another soldier in the parent 77th Division was Pvt Irving Berlin, who wrote a camp musical. That musical later was the basis of the movie, "This is the Army." As for the stone itself, its style is that of stones provided by the Army or the VA. This is an interesting mystery.


The love of the macabre must be an Abbott trait :D


Terry Thornton

Tim, CONGRATULATIONS for such a curious collection of curiosities! I look forward to reading about and seeing the items on display in your most interesting cabinet! Thanks for including my Hill Country article. Now I have to go check my shrunken heads for nasal hair! Thanks for such a fun read and for such a successful launch of Cabinet of Curiosities.
Terry Thornton
Fulton, Mississippi


A very interesting Carnival! Shrunken heads and a gateway to hell were most unusual. Thanks for hosting.

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