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September 06, 2007



I still have distant relatives in Petersham; my mom's family came from Enfield and environs...probably have forty ancestors lying in the Quabbin Park Cemetery. So, howdy.

And my wife's cousin John had MA's first confirmed catamount evidence, at
Quabbin. Small world, getting smaller.

Doug Hudson

Hah, should've known Wikipedia would've had something on that. No bit of lore too obscure...if the Necronomicon were real, the synopsis would be availabe on wikipedia (and the whole text via Google!)



I had also heard that his story The Color of Outer Space was influenced by this reservoir, though here is what Wikipedia has to say in the entry for this book:

"Will Murray says that Lovecraft was actually inspired by the Scituate Reservoir in western Rhode Island. Murray cites an unpublished letter in which Lovecraft mentions a trip he took "through the doomed Swift River Valley" shortly before the Quabbin Reservoir was built. The journey reminded Lovecraft of the sadness he felt over the Scituate Reservoir project, "where a vast amount of territory was flooded in 1926 [and] which caused me to use the reservoir element in 'The Colour Out of Space'."[7] The Quabbin Reservoir was planned as early as 1895, although not actually implemented until the late 1930s, after the story was published."


Doug Hudson

Are you familiar with the works of HP Lovecraft? In one of his stories the narrator is a surveyor for a new reservoir for the fictional city of Arkham, which was going to flood several towns. I wonder if this reservoir inspired him? The timing is right, he wrote the story in the early 1930s if I recall correctly.

Janice Brown

My father-in-law used to say that the signs in New England were the worst he had ever seen. He must have taken that short cut to Dana hehe.

No really, no where else in the United States do the same roads have so many different names.. depending on which direction you are going, and the mood of the sign maker.


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