Quite belatedly, I'd like to thank Bill West for acknowledging the good natured spirit with which I generally approach blogging at Walking the Berkshires with a "Nice Matters" award. Bill had some very kind words to say along with this acknowledgment, for which I am most grateful although I wish I were as deserving as Bill suggests. Something to strive for, certainly, though when I figure out how to smirk nicely I'll let you know.
My grandmother Athalia Barker used to say that even worse than unkind words were unkind silences, and every opportunity that one could take to say something to brighten someone's day and value them was worth actively seeking. With that in mind, I can think of no other blogger who so epitomizes the positive virtues of converting unkind silences into acts of kindness than Lené of the nature writing and discussion group blog Whorled Leaves. Lené is one of those uplifting souls who find reason for hope in spite of difficulties and are always ready with words of affirmation. Never an unkind silence with her.