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September 01, 2007



British blogs are better than most - and I love British History. But Dumpdiggers will show the world that Canada and the United States have their fair share of history too - you just have to muck about and dig it up.


Hi Tim,

What a fine confection (collection?) - I've had great fun sampling them all. Thanks for the plug, too - a nice surprise!


My pleasure, Janice. There were great submissions for the carnival, but I also added a few on my own authority and one of your Ancestry posts seemed a worthy inclusion.

Janice Brown


When I saw I was getting some referrals from your blog to mine, I thought, WOW folks are really liking the answers to your caption contest.

Then I was reading this article today, meticulously visiting all of the links to history posts (they are amazing by the way) and discovered I was part of the History Carnival! Thanks for the mention. I found Brian Downey's report on the US Archives and the selling of U.S. history to be quite fascinating. Thank you for hosting this history carnival.

Janice Brown


Great job Tim. One of the best recent Carnivals.


Churbuck.com seems to be off line - my link to it at the sidebar also fails - but hopefully David's blog will be back in order soon so you all can check out his post. UPDATE -All is well at Churbuck, so enjoy!

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