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September 17, 2007


Linda Sexton Nusbaum

My 4x great grandfather Timothy Sexton was a Sergeant in the NJ 3rd and his name is under Jonathan's on the muster roll. Nice to get a personal background on a man who must have been an important part of my grandfather's life at such an important time in history. Thank you for bringing it to life,
Linda Sexton Nusbaum

Mrs. Carole Reeves

Sorry, I should have said "my great grandmother" in my comment above.

Mrs. Carole Reeves

Does anyone have any information on the Daytons who went to Minnesota from Ohio? I don't have much to go on but I think my grandmother (I'm 75)was a Dayton, & she was born in Minnesota & married Walter Conrad Stevens.

Richard Allen

Do you have information on the names of the children of Jonathan Dayton and who they married.Thanks.

Tim Abbott

Dear John: Oscar Variah Dayton and William Lewis Dayton (b 1807)were brothers, born in Basking Ridge New Jersey. Their parents were Joel Dayton (b. 9/7/1777) and Nancy Lewis (b. 4/23/1787). Their grandfather Robert Dayton (b.1742) was the younger brother of my ancestor, Brigadier General Elias Dayton (b. 1737), making him their Great Uncle. Therefore, their relationship to his son Jonathan Dayton, the subject of this post, is that of 1st cousins once removed. Here is one family tree posted at Rootsweb that shows the connections: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=:a550&id=I1206

Best wishes, Tim Abbott

John Winthrop  dayton Jr.

Would be most grateful for any info on DESCENDANTS of Elias and Jonathan Dayton. Especially geneological links to Lincoln's Ambassador to the Quai D'orsay, William Lewis Dayton, and/or to Civil War Union officer from N.Y., Oscar Vaniah Dayton


That was fun. Mostly I remember the food, and the fact that one of the other descendants had blue hair. I hid and talked to the barman, I remember-- still scared of society.


You are very kind to say so, David. Best wishes, Tim

David Corbett

Dear Sir ,
Splendid and most informative post . Thank you !
cordially ,
David Corbett

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