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September 25, 2007



If you want to get into Reenacting try Revolutionary war. After 23 years of doing rev war (granted it is the only war I have done) I am still active. Plus some Rev War groups also do F&I http://www.kingsrangers.org/


My daughter was very active in SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism, a medieval reenactment group) during her first few years of college, and I went to half a dozen or more of their events. Even though I wasn't a hard-core reenactor, I found that spending a couple days in the garb of another time period, eating the food, and living the life as nearly as you can, is amazingly refreshing for the mind and spirit. When you go back to your real life, you have a sense that you have returned from a far away place -- even though you were just gone for the weekend. I predict that your wife will enjoy it.

David Corbett

Dear Sir ,
Went "Injun " for the first time this year at an event in Kankakee ,Illinois . It was French and Indian War and I had painted my head , hands and arms and wore a breechclout , moccasins, leggins and a linen shirt . Did not shave my head but trimmed by mustache to almost nothing ( besides it was covered with a thick layer of paint ) , and wore a long black wig and a fur turban with feathers and quill work. I am a Civil War reenactor but have always loved the East and the Colonial period . Running through the woods with a flintlock and the other Indians was superb as was our attack on the British regulars and rangers. Flintlocks are just plain fun to handle . The down side for me is the same as Civil War reenacting : too much down time - I'd rather be reading that sitting around answering questions from people who should just read instead of asking me about history. I enjoyed my experience but am unsure if I will repeat. Since I know I will never shave my head and since the scalplock look is what I really admire , I don't know if my being an Indian will ever satisfy me. As opposed to a Civil War soldier , being an Indian is almost too free: no drill , uniforms, marching, etc. Still , when I waded out in the Kankakee River and was hailed by a passing modern day canoeist , it seemed quite the unique experience. If you engage in this with your family at least your down time will be filled -ha-ha !!!
cordially ,
David Corbett

Becky J.

I just wanted to chime in, in favor of your wife's idea for you to do F&I reenacting. My husband and I have great fun portraying members of the 'Forces of Montcalm and Wolfe' in Indiana. My husband is part of Fraser's 78th Highland Unit of Foote (Grenadiers) and almost all the male married members of the unit bring their wives and families to the events we take part in. I believe there is historical documentation that shows that at least some of the Highlanders *did* bring their wives with them on campaign during the F&I War(and that the Scottish units had a rule that if a woman's husband was killed in battle, she had 3 days to find a new husband or else she was kicked out of the unit).
Some of our Native Allies reenactors also bring their wives and families. Things may be different in your area however. I cannot speak for everyone.

Anyway...that's my random, rambling input. Hope it helps you make a decision one way or the other.

Have fun!
(whose hometown, for what it's worth, is Dayton, Ohio)

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