As promised, and suitable for framing, we have a winner for the 7th Walking the Berkshires Family Archive Caption Contest!
My Great Grandmother Ottilie Frederika Hubschmitt (1874-1931) demos the hottest ladies swimwear of 1912, escorted by my Great grandfather Charles Henry Abbott (1872-1962) in dapper salt water bathing attire.
Extra points for anyone identifying the artist whose work provides the frame for this archive quality certificate of award. Don't let the green shade distract you, and bear in mind that in the original work, the frame had contents.
Congrats to the Tour Marm! Feel free to right click and download!
Sharpen your wits and anticipate Contest #8. For those following along at home, the Tour Marm and Bill West have won this thing on two occasions! Who will be the next champion?
I love the usage of old pictures like these with crazy captions on greeting cards. I can never get enough of quirky nostalgia!
I'm here upon recommendation of Apple.I'm writing a post to explain it all shortly. Hope you'll swing by!:)
Posted by: Janet | August 19, 2007 at 11:40 PM
Turnabout is absolutely fair play. It is beautiful, and thanks for the stimulating challenge! The Civil War is an area where my interest (and trivial knowledge) runs particularly deep), but I had not encountered this image before.
Posted by: GreenmanTim | August 17, 2007 at 06:27 PM
Well, I thought you deserved a certificate. Come on down to my site and claim it!
Posted by: Tour Marm | August 17, 2007 at 03:30 PM
Interestingly enough, I did look at Beardsley first, but didn't think of the Morte D'Arthur, so I opted out with the William Morris.
Yes, I owned (we had a disastrous house fire and lost everything) a couple of books of Beardsley illustrations as I was also studying Classics at NYU. Needless to say, the illustrations for the Lysistrata are hilarious and totally x-rated.
I've always been interested in illustration.
I shall cherish my border as well as my certificate.
Mercy Buckets! (That's French, you know!)
Posted by: Tour Marm | August 16, 2007 at 11:47 PM
Fear not, clever creature, for it is Aubrey Beardsley, though from his earlier, less grotesque work and originally in black pen and ink. It is from his 1893 illustrations for Mallory's Le Morte D'Arthur, a page entitled "How Sir Bedivere Cast the Sword Excalibur into the Water." I excised the inside of the frame with its thin, phallic sword in the Lady's upraised hand, but only because I required the border for your award and not out of shocked sensibility. After all, I do own a volume of his collected works.
Again, well done!
Posted by: GreenmanTim | August 16, 2007 at 05:57 PM
I've been trying to find this border and all I can come up with is Aubrey Beardsley. (Which would make it more Art nouveau) Sheeesh! I even have to work after I get the award!!!
Posted by: Tour Marm | August 16, 2007 at 05:39 PM
Congrats Tour Marm! And thanks to Tim I've now discovered YOUR blog! Very nice!
Posted by: Janice Brown | August 16, 2007 at 09:28 AM
Congratulations, Tour Marm! The artist was indeed an illustrator, and often drew intricate bookplates. So here are some clues. English, controversial, died young. Good luck!
Posted by: GreenmanTim | August 16, 2007 at 08:07 AM
I am overwhelmed with emotion!
And I do love the Arts and Crafts illustrations and the color green!
Is this a William Morris? I think it could be from a bookplate.
Posted by: Tour Marm | August 16, 2007 at 02:50 AM