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August 30, 2007



Thanks for catching that, Vertalio. The comma was right, now corrected to read 10,000. And I agree, damn the grass.


Um, that 10,0000...is that 10,000, or 100,000? Comma wrong, or period?

And, lawns? I let creeping jenny and blue bugels and violets and false heather and hawkweed expand there, because they grow three inches tall and stop. Damn the grass, anyway.


My friend Tim Simmons at Mass DFW used to cock a bushy eyebrow at me and ask if our research was going to appear in the non-existant "Journal of Minimally Managed Habitat." Folks on the MIPAG didn't care for "natural" as a modifier, but nor did we wish to be regulating dandilions that are only a problem in lawns. My lawn, mind youy, might well qualify as minimally managed at this time of year...


Great post!

When I worked on a project that used a slightly modified version of this risk assessment in 2006, specifically for the island of Nantucket, both of these species had "Yes" across the board for 1-9 (complete species list is at http://efg.cs.umb.edu/nantucket ).

We has some issues with the vagaries of such phrases as "minimally managed habitat" and "dense stands" so erred on the conservative side. But still, because both of these species do well in coastal habitats (salt tolerant), they are doing well in established wild populations on the island. Rosa rugosa is still cultivated there, of course, and scarily grows 10 feet high (I have never seen it like that on the mainland, even when planted).

Note that the assessment says the species must "Be able to out-compete" other species, it does not require that explicit evidence be provided that it is outcompeting...perhaps because we do not realistically have the resources to do that kind of research for every species evaluated?

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