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July 17, 2007


Brett & Lyn Harris (nee Lyn Fothergill)

Re. previous comment. Lyn Harris (nee Fothergill)is the daughter of Anthony Fothergill from Kimberley/Cape Town.

Brett & Lyn Harris (nee Lyn Fothergill)

My wife Lyn daughter of Anthony Fothergill and myself are proud to be linked to a person like Rupert and others related/linked to him and his family(eg. Costers etc...)who played a major role in the development of Southern Africa.

Clifford Bestall

I am very keen to communicate with both Keith Meadows and Kirsten Drysdale. Would you email me or connect via facebook. Clifford Bestall



Tim Abbott

Kirsten, thanks for sharing your effort to honor the work and legacy of your Grandfather. Best wishes, Tim

Kirsten Drysdale

Hi - I'm Rupert Fothergill's granddaughter. I've recently set up a blog on Operation Noah at http://operationnoah.blogspot.com to help tell the story of Operation Noah properly.
Have a look if you're interested - comments welcome!


Thank you for a very well presented article on a subject that sadly very few remember. It really is important to recognise the work done by Rupert Fothergill.


Jim, thank you so much for sharing those memories and for articulating so well the power that efforts like this have to captivate and inspire. I am delighted that you discovered this post and that the fascination of the Lake Kariba rescue still resonates for you after all these years.

Jim Takita

I was in my first year of college in Hawaii when I first read of Kariba Dam in Life Magazine. I remember combing the periodical indexes in the Library for more information. The rescues captured my imagination and instilled a lifelong interest in wildlife and general science.


Thank you for your contribution to the 2nd edition of Beautiful Africa Blog Carnival! It has now been published and can be found at:


Greetings Ishtar

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