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June 20, 2007


Karen Bastille

Beautiful! Thank you!


And you as well, Tour Marm! The paintings were part of the inspiration. I love Coles Phillips, who is remembered for painting Fade Away Girls but whose real love was design. The Sand Witch is one of my favorites. N.C. Wyeth's signature thunderheads make their appearance, and that pre-Raphaelite Waterhouse mermaid, but the Maxfield Parrish Pan was a new find (though I have long admired his work and a friend once had a band named Parrish Blue). Winslow Homer's dory oout on the banks with the fog rolling in and the great flanks of halibut low in the stern is New England allegory at its finest. As for Edward Hopper, that jutting bell-bouy works so well it could have been one of Benchley's inspirations for Jaws!

The Tour Marm

Wonderful post! I love the illustrations.
I was reading A.A. Milne's Sand Between the Toes yesterday and remember when I used to walk the beaches to fetch crabs and clams for lunch. Good times.

Enjoy your summer!


Ah, Sissy, I was too taken by the stockings of the "sand witch" to take note of her shoes!

Sissy Willis

I love this post, but forget about "great clots of sand in uncomfortable places." How about high heels in the sand!?

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