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May 15, 2007


Terry Cowgill


Thanks for reminding your readers of our heritage. I don't know how many weekenders I've run into who are oblivious to this. They think we've always been like a Norman Rockwell painting.


Indeed not, Geoff, and it continued south into Maryland as well. No question, however, the dense concentration in NW Connecticut defined this landscape to an extraordinary degree.

Geoff Brown

The Upper Housatonic Valley National Heritage Area maps fairly closely to an iron industry that included a number of blast furnaces and other infrastructure in Massachusetts (as well as Connecticut and the edge of New York). The industry certainly did not stop at the CT/MA state line.


It is surprising how many places across the nation iron ore was mined and smelted in the 1800's. I guess it was more important then to have a local source of purified iron than it is today. Maybe the difficulty of transportation encouraged local mines and furnaces to spring up, even though they might be too marginal to operate today.

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