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May 13, 2007



Yes, but "ancient" is a relative term. I feel that way at 39, but as you say, Bill, my parents are young enough (65) to have lps from the late sixties (which they haven't played since then, but still!) Those yoing co-workers of yours will soon be the fossils by the water cooler getting blank stares when they mention Lollapalooza. "Your time is gonna come."

Bill West

CSN in your parents's lps? I still have my cassettes and there's a
Moody Blues 8 track around here someplace.

But yeah, I recall Spinal Tap.

I knew I was old when I found my self describing "Laugh In" and "Sock it to me"
to one of my younger coworkers and I got that look young folks give older folks
telling stories.

Lord, now I feel ancient.

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