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May 11, 2007



Ostich fern is the classic edible fern, so called because its mature fronds resemble the tal feathers of those great birds, and it reproduces readily from spores. You can also eat the fiddleheads of Cinnamon Fern but they are fuzzier and I'd rather save the effort. Other ferns may be edible, but not all of them, so I would be sure of what you have before giving them a try. You only get a couple of days to harvest the coiled fiddleheads before they unwind and around here they are just past that point. I have several pounds in the fridge that I'm working up recipes for. I had them sauteed in garlic and roasted on a homemade pizza last night and they were heavenly!


Hmmm. We have a large patch of some kind of fern on the north side of the house. In fact, it's practically invasive. Are they all good to eat, or just the ostrich? Should I try to identify it before consuming?

Al Mollitor

You inspire me to try steamed fiddleheads, but the Audubon Society might not appreciate me harvesting them from my usual haunts in one of their sanctuaries. Maybe I can find another place where they grow. I like your suggestion to take only two from each plant.

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