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May 04, 2007



BioTunes, I was thinking more along the lines of what being a responsible pet owner is all about than the ability of feral pigs to adapt to the Litchfield Hills. We do have coyotes that would give them a bit of a start, maybe reduce the numbers of piglets that survive to join the sounder, but the big issue is indeed environmental as you describe. That, and some people are really thoughtless.


It's funny you compare this to drowning kittens, because my perspective is that it is not an animal rights issue at all (since we've eliminated any predators that might do in these beasts) but an environmental one. Hopefully, pot bellied pigs are domesticated enough that they would not survive in the wild, but what is frustrating here is continued ignorance of the environmental destruction that can occur when we let our 'pets' go, be they snakeheads from the tank or purple loosestrife from the garden. Hopefully the pot bellies would not be nearly as destructive as the other feral pigs wreaking havoc all over the country, but that supposition is no excuse.

And in case you think I'm cold-hearted, a neighbor's pet pot bellied pig named Spammy was a very good friend of mine when I lived in Hawaii.


I cannot resist...must shout...



Seriously though, they need to get those things into someone's home or an animal sanctuary or something - they should *not* be left in the wild. I hope the town, or better yet, the state can open a dialog with the property owner about resolving this.


I don't know, seems to me like they've just given half a dozen people a very nice item to accompany a camp fire and a spit. Whereas the kitten-drowners have just made a distasteful mess.

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