"Little Houses, Ticky Tacky, and they all look just the same. "
Actually, for this former farm now a ridgeline subdivision, the lyrics should go: "Big 'ol Houses, All Together, Crass McMansions, No One Home." Maybe they will sell better once the housing market picks up again. Or maybe - as some uncharitably hint - there will be a fire. But one thing they will never be again is farmland. I bet the wind really blows the dust around up there with nothing but other houses to break it. Folks gotta live somewhere, I suppose, but if I had $750,000 for a house you can bet I wouldn't want one of these. There are alternatives to this kind of development that meet landowner needs and make economic sense while retaining what is most significant about the landscape and the surrounding community, but they happen by design not default.
And just over the ridge, a 350 acre farm owned by two 70-year-old brothers with no children who want to farm after them. What do you think will be its fate?
I would like to see what happens to all of these tacky, disgusting housing equivalents to big box stores. But, by the time they become the white elephants of the housing industry, and people use them to house their goats, I'll probably be dead, or just too senile to enjoy the irony. I live in Mercer County, NJ, a place long known as rural and agricultural, that still has large chunks of forested land open and preserved. But, over the last 15 years, for every nice piece of cycling scenery, a crass, tasteless home that shouts "hey, look how much money I have" has had to pop up and harsh my mellow. And, who the hell are these people anyway? I was just in the vehicle of a rich man. You know where he lives? A modest sized house! Who the hell are these people that live in these abominations?!
Posted by: John Dunphy | June 09, 2007 at 04:20 PM
I don't think it matters WHERE it is.. it's going on all over. I know it's going on in my backyard.
and yes I'd LOVE to know whos buying these things, and what they're going to do when their ARMs drive them to be even more house poor than they already are.
and what will happen then, to these McMansions? They'll become empty shells. I was in SW Ireland a couple of years ago (great kayaking!) and so many farmers used old forts as cover for their cattle. That's what will happen to these McMansions. I'll keep my goats in them (when I get goats. I'm such a sucker for a furry face, they'll probably be living in the house with me)
Posted by: fuzzy_turtle | May 18, 2007 at 10:50 AM
South of Litchfield on 63...
Posted by: GreenmanTim | May 18, 2007 at 09:27 AM
Are we supposed to guess where this is? Westerly Ridge in Amenia? I give up.
Posted by: Terry Cowgill | May 18, 2007 at 06:35 AM