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April 22, 2007


Denise S. Ball

This Covered Bridge is a replacement for the one that was sadly burned several years ago now. As a child and teenager growing up in the town I rode my horse over the original bridge many times a year to get from rt. 7 the Boardman St. We used to go skating in the coves off this road when it was very cold, but due top the way the coves were covered by the elm trees we were very warm and had lots of fun. This is one of the three covered bridges that I grew up knowing in Sheffield when I was a kid. I still miss them all. So sad to watch good love (bridges) go bad.


It's a beautiful bridge, no matter how new. And the patent on the Town lattice truss design has long expired so if you have a mind to build one of your own there is no $1 royalty fee!

Larry Ayers

I'd love to see this bridge! I spent several years cutting joints in timbers and erecting timber-frame houses and ever since then I've wanted to help on a timber-frame bridge project.

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