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March 07, 2007


landscape gardener suffolk

The story you published was an inspiration for the readers. Also good because you stillremember the events occurred in the first period. A great event that you met yourbeloved ones at least in his grave. The stories you share will be a good example of the readers of your article.

Dennis C. Schurr

I live on Roanoke Island, NC not far from where your gr.gr.gr.uncle
landed to help capture the Island. Would you please send me your contact information..........I am interested in discussing more with you about your uncle and the Hawkins Zouaves.

Best regards,
Dennis C. Schurr
252-489-8956 C


What a wonderful story. Your Gr-gr-great uncle finally reunited with his family and remembered thanks to your work :)


Those old pension files have more of interest to the genealogist than the service records and muster roles. So much documentation was required to get a pension that there are often references from friends and family covering decades of red tape.


How wonderful that he is no longer forgotten and you had the opportunity to visit his resting place. Sometimes when things start falling into place you discover way more than you set out to learn. It's sad to think that our government has never seemed to treated our veterans well.

The Tour Marm

Hi Tim!

This was a fascinating account.

Although I was born in New York, my father's family was on the 'other side' and fought in many of the same battles. My brother has been doing a great deal of research (he lives in Suffolk).

In mid April I shall be conducting a seven day Civil War tour of New York State and NYC. You might want to track our progress on a site that will be opened April 11th (www.http://www.roadsscholars.blogspot.com) The New York Historical Society also have a wonderful exhibit of Civil War New York and a research facility you might be interested in.

I've also posted on cemetery visits this week

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