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February 10, 2007


David Kane

Very interesting post. I grew up in Shawsheen village in Andover, but have lived in southern RI for many years now. After recently reading Nathaniel Philbrick's "Mayflower" I have become more interested in the history of early settlers and local native peoples. The Great Swamp Fight is something I had heard about for many years, but never took the time to explore. Imagine my surprise to stumble across your post that links events and people of my old and new homes. It is truly amazing to think that people actually walked those distances in the dead of winter, and sobering to think that they sometimes did so to commit acts of almost unimaginable cruelty.

Tim Abbott

Hello, Frank. I don't have any close Abbott kin west of New York State, and our branch of this large and extended family of New England origins has stayed relatively close to its roots. I do have a gr-gr-great uncle buried at the Veteran's Home up by Glacier National Park but he's the only one who drifted west that I know of and had no descendants. Most Abbott's in America with puritan roots stem from two unrelated George Abbot(t)s who settled in Andover, MA in the 1640s. Best wishes and good luck in your research. Tim

Frank Mielke

I am curious, tim if you are/know of/are related to / heard of/ a Tim Abott from Mt. Home ID, that played college basketball in Alaska? My 11th/12th great grandfather John Baker fought in the Great Swamp Fight, and I ran across your name.

Frank Mielke

Charles Abbott

Tim, thank you very much!


Charles, there is a bit more biographical information about your Benjamin Abbott (1750-1816) and his in-laws at Rootsweb http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=:2408176&id=I1015 Nothing on his parentage, nor military servcie, though he was in the Revolutionary Generation. If I find more I'll forwadr it along.

Charles Abbott

I just noticed that I misspelled the maiden name of Benjamin's wife. It should be Hudgens. It seems that they were married March 16,1781 In Rowan County NC. It seems that Benjamin was born in 1750 and Mary Hudgens was born in 1760 and her father was William Hudgens. By the way, thanks for responding to my querry.


Do you have birth or death dates for your Benjamin Abbott? I'm guessing he was alive in the latter part of the 18th century. The Andover Abbotts were in their 4th and 5th generations in this country by then, and there are two, initially unrelated Abbot(t) families that settled there in the 1640s. Abiel Abbot's Genealogical Register of the Abbot Family (1847) does not list any Hudgings in its index of surnames not Abbot, but that does not mean your Benjamin is not to be found within. Lay out what vital stats you have for this couple and I'll see what I can turn up.

Charles Abbott

I am new to the Abbott Family research and am trying to connect the dots. I have gotten back to great, great, great, great grandfather, Benjamin Abbott who was father of my great (times 3) grandfather Sterling Abbott. My research leads me to believe this Benjamin Abbott was married to Mary Hudging in Rowan County N.C. However, that is where my research becomes sketchy. Can anyone direct me to a more complete source?

Bill West

Tim, you might also want to check into Francis Ellingwood Abbot about whom I'd blogged
briefly the night I found your site mentioned at Boston 1775. Brian Sullivan of Harvard
University edited a book of Abbot's diary and love letters to his wife Katharine Loring
called "If Ever Two Were One: A Diary of Love Eternal" and it seemed an appropriate
entry for Valentine's Day. He'sa distant cousin of mine through both the Abbot and
Ellingwood lines.

And hello there, Cousin VA!


VA - There were a lot of Abbot(t) progeny, so I guess we should not be surprised to find ourselves distant cousins through the blogosphere! You may have encountered Bailey's Historical Sketches of Andover, one of the big 19th century town histories, in which she reports: "Timothy Abbot, when master of a family, never allowed a child to say he was hungry, saying they did not know the meaning of the word hunger." Sort of akin to saying; "Eat your baked beans! There are Wamesit kids starving in the wilderness who would give anything for Boston Baked Beans!" Many thanks for visiting. You and Mr. West inspire me to focus my attention on blogging the Andover roots of the family. In addition to the witch hysteria, one could imagine posts about The Lexington Alarm, for which the Andover Minutemen got a very late start, and the redoubt on Breeds Hill in which my ancestor Nathaniel Abbot(t) and Frye's Andover Company of Minutemen were right in the thick of things...

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