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December 22, 2006



I am intrigued by your mention of the Ship Superb. I have been trying to learn more about this vessel for some time. My 4th great grandfather was the Master of Ship Superb sailing out of Philadelphia around 1800. Can this be the same ship? I have seen the log book and have posted a bit of information concerning what I know about the ship and the Master, John Boyd at the website www.geocities.com/woodstock57580

Your postings give a glimpse into life in that time. Enjoyable reading. Thanks for sharing.


caroline weeks ray

I am researching family history and it has taken me to the New England area. I am wondering if the Captain William Weeks herein is an ancestor. All of the names work and are too similar to be a coincidence... Let me explain. My direct line, ancestor, was a William Weeks, Sr. who married a Mary Lynde Butler (I know that he was a captain, as he had a merchant ship that was attacked by Indians) In the court records, it shows that a William Weeks Jr. was present at the time of this indian attack. William Weeks, Jr. (I have not found out what happened to him) had a son named Benjamin (who could have followed in his fathers footsteps as a captain). Now, Benjamin moved his family south to North Carolina and settled at the mouth of the White Oak River which had access to a wharf/seaport/deep water harbour. My thinking is that Benjamin, being a merchant captain, would have known about areas in the south that could have been used as sea ports... If the portrait above your Aunt is my direct ancestor, William Weeks, we are beside ourself with excitement. Please respond so that we can speak more of your information found. Thank you so much. Caroline Weeks Ray


My dear Phillippe:

I was delighted to find your response to my story on "William Weeks" at my blog "Walking the Berkshires." You must have been surprised as well to see that photograph of you, dear Aunt Margie, and William Weeks there on the internet! When my aunt passed away in 2003 at the extraordinary age of 98, I became the keeper of our family archives and this was a story I took great pleasure in sharing.

We have Uncle Henry Morse Olmsted to thank for the survival of the Weeks portrait, and for all the genealogical material on that family going back to Philadelphia and then Ridgefield, CT. I have written several articles on this Olmsted family which you may find in the archives of my blog under "genealogy" and cross-indexed with "family." The one on Esther Ingersoll Olmsted may be of interest and has reconnected me with two very distant cousins (5th, once removed). The Gilmore family remains an enigma, with little known about our common ancestor Samuel Gilmore except he was in Philadelphia during the Revolution.

Best wishes and please stay in touch!


Philippe Vallantin Dulac

What a good luck for me to find this "short chapter of practical socialism" I knew from our aunt Margaret. She is always in my heart through this nice portrait of William Weeks which is a treasure for me.
I have written this american story of my family but probably miss plenty others informations, spécially from the Olmsted. My grand mother lived with them in Morristown where she is born in 1870. No news from the Winstein for some years.
Thank you so much for your attention.
Sincerely yours.


Incredibly lucky, Leo. This was a family that lived for nine generations in the same place (Elizabeth, NJ) and even when it fell on hard times and sold of parts of its heritage to make ends meet it retained a vast amount for the historical record and a keen interest in its origins. There has been an archivist, or at least members with genealogical interests, since Anthony I and Henry M Olmsted began making inquiries in the 1840s.

Such posts are a recurring theme in this blog, which has afforded me with a fabulous vehicle for exploring and presenting some of the vast assemblage and variety of artifacts and ephemera of our family history in meaninful ways to my near and distant relatives. I'm pleased it is interesting to others as well and thanks for your kind words on this post.


What an interesting story. You're fortunate to have been able to trace your ancestry as far back as you have.

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