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September 06, 2006



Dany, thanks for following up on this issue. If the links provided in this article do not provide sufficient information to inform decision making, I'd suggest contacting the State of Maine's Department of Marine Resources, reachable through the following link: http://www.maine.gov/dmr/headquarters.htm For California, my source was the American University study cited above at http://www.american.edu/TED/urchine.htm

Best wishes, Tim

Dany Gareau

my name is Dany Gareau and I am working on green sea urchin management in Saguenay-St-Lawrence national parc, Québec, Canada. I found your blog yesterday and I found very interesting your writing on Sea urchin. Can you give me your references and your contacts in Maine fishery department and California fishery department to have an official confirmation of that situation? We are actually living the "Green rush" in our Marine Park and to control or stop this hemorragy, it will take solid information.

Thanks for your help!

Dany Gareau
M.Sc Geography
Park Warden
Saguenay St-Lawrence National Marine Park

Tom Kendrick

Thought you might be interested in my new book, Bluewater Gold Rush/The Odyssey of a California Sea Urchin Diver. You can google Tom Kendrick Diver, and check the website bluewatergoldrush.com.

Sebastopol, CA

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