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August 29, 2006


Phillip Self

I would not be so quick to assume the A. Gracie would be acustomed to that US Flag next to him. My gg grandfather served under him from the 43rd from Co I all the way to Petersburg. He died a soldiers death and Alabama is forever grateful.

Martha Boltz

Did Archibald Gracie have any siblings who fought for the Union or was he an only son?

Terry Thornton

Tim, Thanks for sharing this interesting glimpse into the Gracie Family. It is always interesting to read about men who, inspired by nobler impulses, went against the grain and served in the Civil War on a side that seems counter to their history, their family, and their "raising." Thanks.

Terry Thornton
Hill Country of Monroe County, Mississipi

Janice Brown

Wow, Tim, did you bid on the sword? Great story!



Fascinating! I think more family legends came out of the Civil War than anywhere else!

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