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August 20, 2006



Oh, you've conjured up an image there! I wish I'd seen it. Uncle Dayt sure could swing a wine bottle...


Ah, CV, and how do we begin to describe the role Casey at the Bat has played for our family? At the "wake"/reunion for Uncle Dayt last year, the generation after ours picked up the torch and did an admirable recital.

As for the genetic propensity for Cubs fandom (or for the Red Sox, the curse of our New England branch), nature and nurture both incline us in those directions. Except for your Aunt Thales, my grandmother, who has always been a Yankees fan and has lived to 95 and beyond despite that severe character defect. The Almighty may be a Cubs fan, but the Devil surely roots for the Yanks.


Great post. Baseball must be in the blood. That explains my cursed relationship with the Chicago Cubs.

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