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July 09, 2006



Tigerhawk kindly linked to this post,
and a fellow named Steve offered this comment there for which i am grateful and that I reproduce here in full:

"As to Nathan Bedford Forrest, I would say the spotted hyena. In the first place, look at him!

"Separated at birth?"

Secondly, they are recognized to have possibly the most powerful bite of any carnivore, which would correspond with his fearsome attacks that often resulted in his overwhelming much larger forces (Battle of Brice's Corners); they will often chase prey over long distances (e.g., Chickamauga); and they absolutely devastate their prey (Fort Pillow). Hyenas literally eat the bones of their prey, giving their scat a "swirl cone" look.

Finally, hyenas socially live in clans."


Clever idea!


History in a language I can understand - fun post!

Sissy Willis

Clara Barton as mother hen? Or isn't that grand enough?

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