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May 30, 2006


M. Trout

Yes. I agree that this wonderfully descriptive writing makes one hungry for more. I do wish I knew a different manner to read the entries than to link. Truly wonderful.

Tim Abbott

Thanks to Pam and TH for your kind words. I am preparing to post on the future of the family homestead in Wareham itself, and the challenges we face to keep it. It gives me courage to know that there are thoughtful readers like you for what I will write. Parting with family land is in many ways a death in the family, and ours is working on many fronts to forstall that eventuality.


Beautiful stuff. I'll link.

Pam in Tucson

Just finished "Lost Woods" and was hungry for more when I read this. Thank you for continuing with the theme and the literature - a beautiful and thoughtful post. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend in an idyllic place - great to read about your children enjoying the things you too enjoyed. Nothing erudite to add right now; I'm working on some dreary databases, made bearable by Juluka accompaniment (for which another thanks to you). Was just listening to "Impi" which made me think to take a break and come here. Sad, some of the changes, happy, others, such as the return of the osprey. Good to read of the richness of your family's life.

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