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October 20, 2005


Mar Francis

Total bs. Komarek was indeed a poacher and deserved to be imprisoned but the extent of his actions and their impact have been GREATLY exaggerated by Bill Brown and his cohorts who believe that the snakes only belong to them and not the world. Brown and his cohorts not only hide den locations from the public (who have a right to see and enjoy endangered species in the wild) but also fellow snake researchers. Thank God for Komarek's maps or I might never have learned where some of the (still plentiful by the way) New York and PA den sites are and gotten beautiful photos for my book. Brown and his cohorts want to be the only people who ever see or enjoy the snakes. They don't even like hippy hikers walking by on nearby trails. Yes, the herp world is better off that Komarek is dead and gone, but we'll also be better off when people like Brown and his cohorts are dead and gone and the timber rattlers of the northeast can be overlooked into the future by serious researchers who truly love the species and want to share information and studies. MARK FRANCIS.


Anyone who offers a $500 reward for the locations of rare species protected by law is not to be trusted.

Tim Abbott

And most state wildlife enforcement agencies know you, too, Ed Brown. Beware of the dark side.

edward brown

I know most all of the den sites in Massavhusetts, Connecticut,New Hampshire, Vermont and 220 in New York.....actively seeking new den sites....$500 reward for a den in New Hampshire, Rhode Island, or Maine....yes they ARE in Maine!!! Love to talk timbers

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